About Bob

What would it be like to maintain personal peace, confidence, and happiness in this chaotic, uncertain world? Imagine a sense of inner peace and confidence radiating from within you as you face the unpredictable events of your life. You can experience consistent emotional wellbeing, move through loss with grace, handle conflict with power and clarity, and know with certainty that you can handle any challenge.

All of my life I have been on a personal quest. Like many of the people I work with, I have been on a search for happiness and self-confidence. Much of this journey was spent with reading, personal reflection, involvement in spiritual practices, as well as active involvement in personal-growth retreats and seminars. My experiences and my desire to learn and grow are at the foundation of what I share with regard to my counseling and coaching.

Although I am still on “the journey,” I am clearly not where I used to be.  I have moved past many of the fears and insecurities that left me a passive victim to the events of my life. I know there are decisions that I made that I would not make again and at the same time I can accept me for who I am right now and move on. I, like every person in the world, am doing the best I can given the beiefs I hold at any given moment. I have developed a sense of inner strength that I can trust when facing difficulties and challenges. I realize that even as I am constantly growing, I am moving mountains in my life. I am grateful to have a clearer vision of who I am, where I am going and how to move forward in my life.

Bob Wiley Empowerment CoachGraduating with my Master’s Degree in Counseling in 1995 and then soon after landing a position as a substance abuse/mental health counselor with no history of substance abuse in my family left me asking myself the question, What do I have to offer?

I soon figured out that I could share what I was applying in my life. I could empowerr others as they reflected on themselves through an attitude of love, accept and non-judment in the same way I was helping myself. Instead of focusing on the idea “If you haven’t been where I’ve been you cannot help me,” I focused on the awareness that I was living a life that others were yearning to live. Because of what I had learned in addressing my own insecurities and struggles, I could help others reach for the life they desired to create. Since then I have counseled and coached thousands of people as they have faced emotionally distressing challenges and ultimately change their relationships with themselves, others and the world around them.

If you’d like to learn more about the most important principles that have helped others live more conscious, happy and empowered life, download my free e-book Your Key to Personal Happiness: What You Were Never Taught in School. You’ll also receive my free newsletter that will provide you with encouragement and insight to live your best and most confident life. Sign up at top left.

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